The Doctor Connect

Beyond Overwhelm: Physician's Path to Peace. Empowering with Dr. Myrdalis

Dr. Liudmila Schafer Season 2 Episode 9

In this episode Dr Liudmila Schafer and Dr. Myrdalis Díaz-Ramírez:

  • Is entrepreneurship to empower fellow physicians in the burnout health industry
  • Highlight the common limiting belief among physicians that they don't have the time or ability to become entrepreneurs.
  • Discuss the importance of taking control of one's life and not letting others dictate their path.
  • Emphasize the importance of finding like-minded individuals who can provide support and accountability.
  • The goal is to create a personalized plan and blueprint for change in their lives.
  • Dr. Myrdalis Díaz-Ramírez introduces the concept of the "after mind," a post-mastermind group to maintain accountability and support.

Drawing from her own experience of transformation from being a burnout physician to regaining, designing, and retaining control of her physician life, Dr. Myrdalis Díaz-Ramírez created the maxAllure Mastermind. It is now her passion to help physicians who feel overwhelmed and lost in medicine to find a new path and control their lives through entrepreneurship. She is a self-made entrepreneur with experience in owning different clinics which she successfully sold in the past. Most recently, she has partnered with a group of female physicians to create the SahaVida Institute, a wellness center in Sarasota, FL, where she treats her patients. She has found in Functional Medicine the bridge between conventional and alternative medicine. Besides having owned other businesses, Dr. Myrdalis Díaz-Ramírez is a dual Board-Certified Anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management Physician. She is also a Medical Expert, Professor, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, and Mastermind Facilitator. Through her Mastermind, physicians can transform their personal and professional lives. These physicians have found a new path and they now live the new vision for their lives and businesses that was once only a dream!

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